Saturday, March 30, 2013

Thursday, March 28, 2013


I am not one to have a lot of friends.  I don’t enjoy the company of monotonous surface level conversation, and find that these types of conversations are all to often the primary pass time of having many friends whilst having no close friends.  I will take the presence of two great friends over a multitude acquaintances every time.  I enjoy laughing at things that only we will think is funny.  I enjoy not caring who is watching or who is around because I know that the only people I care about are walking beside me.  I take comfort in knowing that my friends have my back 100% of the time.  I pride myself in assuring my friends that their back is always covered as well.  Right or wrong, it is no matter.   In my lifetime thus far, I have had two of these close friends that I speak about.  Ironically enough, they are brothers.  One of the greatest compliments I have ever been given was when one of them told me that all three of us were brothers.  That is a statement that will live with me forever.  The things they have taught me are countless and their importance is immeasurable.  I venture to say that I will never again have two better friends in my life than the two great friends that I have at this moment.  I will forever be thankful.